
Showing posts from September, 2017

We Support Dreamers !

Its hard to believe that we live in a country that openly goes back on its promise to its young people. I can only hope that via the congressional check to balance the executive decree, this injustice will be avoided before so many promising lives are changed forever. Indeed their trust in their prospective government must certainly be already shaken, and I suppose that's a good thing - as once they do earn the full citizenship status they have been striving for they will be perhaps more skeptical and on guard than we. Perhaps our best future lies not in the distracted youth of our current populace but instead in the proactive youth of our immigrants; for they are more like our forefathers than we in our comfortable privileged lives will ever be.

Pretending to be rich in L.A.

I spent last weekend at a management conference in the financial district of Los Angeles. I am pretty sure I was the lowest paid attendee there - (I could never spend on my own what it costs to stay there, even on a vacation)  Part of the invite was a comped night at the Intercontinental Hotel Downtown, and because I have a club card they upgraded me to a corner suite on the 41st floor. So here I am having my dinner at 9pm and pondering a scandalous thought: What if Allie went to the conference instead? I had never met anyone there before and also had not done business with any of them either. Tempting, it was. But I felt like the distraction of 'coming out' to all these strangers, although personally satisfying, would likely be unfair to them and would distract us all from why I was there in the first place.  So I presented male as expected for the event sessions, and actually learned a few things while I was there. Only the wonderful sweet heart of a housekeeper knew ...

To shave or not to shave

I have pretty fierce shadows on my face.  So naturally when I get all fixed up to go out I so the shave in both directions thing, and moisturize, then orange corrector and then a very light bit of foundation over that. Usually what's just left in the brush if I have done full makeup anytime recently.   I think I did pretty good in this image here: I try not to present in noticeably feminine outfits unless I have dealt with my shadows. So lately I think it's revived my follicles and I am only good for about 6 hours and that's a bummer.  I used to stay somewhat clean for up to 2 days. Now, bleh. Guess I will have to laser it off sometime soon.  It will end up paying for itself in blade savings after a few years anyway, am I right? OH! I almost forgot about the question. So..., I find myself planning whether I shave or not at any given time, around what I expect from the day; say if I am going to work and expected to be masculine, I will probabl...