What its like being partnered to a slut

My partner asked me the other day "What's it like being partnered to a slut?" and then suggested I write about it. It's been on my mind since then, and I've waffled between writing this and not writing it. I want to be honest about it and try not to color my writing with emotions that I bring to the experience; but at the same time I want to be true to myself and write about those emotions. so this will probably be a very disjointed essay and may not in the end ever be published, due to her boundary regarding my not sharing "dirty laundry" with our peer group lest it tarnish her social image. That being said I do feel like I have some good things to say about it and then there's the not so good. In short, the way this has come down, being partnered to a slut has been both a dream to be realized and then simultaneously been the single most demoralizing experience of the past decade of my life. I should qualify this by saying that my partner is a VER...