Just some musings on HRT
Content warning: frank discussion of medical topics
I have an appointment for 2/1/18 to initiate HRT

I'm pretty excited; I have been wearing this dog tag most every day for the past several months now.
In preparation I wanted to create a list of what I hope to accomplish.
And also a list of known risks I will be undertaking.
This is to help me with discussion points for the doctor that I don't want to forget.
So here goes...
Hopeful outcomes:
Breast development enough to at least fill the bras I already own. (Seriously how could this not be #1 on the list? I think anyone who says otherwise is probably not being 100% honest with themselves)
With that out of the way, #2 has to be getting in touch with my emotional well being as it relates to my female psyche. I can literally feel internal conflicts between T and my emotions. Most often in the form of tears that wont come; but also in the form of anger that comes too easily. Seriously I am a barely controlled driver at times and the brain is saying "let it go" but I can feel adrenaline presumably fueled by ... What?
almost equal with #2 has to come an increased vitality. I sincerely hope that as T replacement adds energy and youthfulness to men, I expect to feel younger and energized by estrogen.
Reduction in body hair growth. This is a tough one because I want the hair on top of my head to continue growing (ive only lost maybe 25%?) to T. But I would like to not have to shave more than once daily; especially after having laser or electrolysis removal.
Facial feminization and redistribution of body fat. Combined with diet exercise, and toning, Id like the first impression I make from across a room to NOT be masculine.
Theres more I've forgotten I am sure.
Negatives / risks:
Increased Cancer risk for certain types of cancers. I am aware of this risk; I actually expect to get cancer at some point in my life. With Diligence i hope to catch it early enough and successfully treat it. I think its reasonable under the circumstances because I expect the tyoe and location may actually be the only thing affected in this risk scenario.
Liver impact from the use of hormones. for this reason I want to use either njectables or sub lingual dosing methods; because both avoid the liver impacts while still maintaining effectiveness at high levels.
Heart disease? I haven't researched this. I don't have a family history, and my last cardio stress test was good according to the cardiologist. I do have a very high calcium score; however this in itself doesnt mean I will develop heart problems. I think the stress reduction from calmer more centered psyche will offset this risk?
Sexual dysfunction. Due to her own surgical complications, My wife has been unable to tolerate coitus without extreme pain, so we have already adapted to other methods; however will I still be able to experience pleasure once the hormones have begun to have an atrophical effect on my own genitalia?
I have an appointment for 2/1/18 to initiate HRT

I'm pretty excited; I have been wearing this dog tag most every day for the past several months now.
In preparation I wanted to create a list of what I hope to accomplish.
And also a list of known risks I will be undertaking.
This is to help me with discussion points for the doctor that I don't want to forget.
So here goes...
Hopeful outcomes:
Breast development enough to at least fill the bras I already own. (Seriously how could this not be #1 on the list? I think anyone who says otherwise is probably not being 100% honest with themselves)
With that out of the way, #2 has to be getting in touch with my emotional well being as it relates to my female psyche. I can literally feel internal conflicts between T and my emotions. Most often in the form of tears that wont come; but also in the form of anger that comes too easily. Seriously I am a barely controlled driver at times and the brain is saying "let it go" but I can feel adrenaline presumably fueled by ... What?
almost equal with #2 has to come an increased vitality. I sincerely hope that as T replacement adds energy and youthfulness to men, I expect to feel younger and energized by estrogen.
Reduction in body hair growth. This is a tough one because I want the hair on top of my head to continue growing (ive only lost maybe 25%?) to T. But I would like to not have to shave more than once daily; especially after having laser or electrolysis removal.
Facial feminization and redistribution of body fat. Combined with diet exercise, and toning, Id like the first impression I make from across a room to NOT be masculine.
Theres more I've forgotten I am sure.
Negatives / risks:
Increased Cancer risk for certain types of cancers. I am aware of this risk; I actually expect to get cancer at some point in my life. With Diligence i hope to catch it early enough and successfully treat it. I think its reasonable under the circumstances because I expect the tyoe and location may actually be the only thing affected in this risk scenario.
Liver impact from the use of hormones. for this reason I want to use either njectables or sub lingual dosing methods; because both avoid the liver impacts while still maintaining effectiveness at high levels.
Heart disease? I haven't researched this. I don't have a family history, and my last cardio stress test was good according to the cardiologist. I do have a very high calcium score; however this in itself doesnt mean I will develop heart problems. I think the stress reduction from calmer more centered psyche will offset this risk?
Sexual dysfunction. Due to her own surgical complications, My wife has been unable to tolerate coitus without extreme pain, so we have already adapted to other methods; however will I still be able to experience pleasure once the hormones have begun to have an atrophical effect on my own genitalia?
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