Trapped in this orbit now, the sungrazer can only witness the events unfold
Silently an understanding develops and the awareness of what she will witness from afar is both wonderful and also yet frightening. She anticipates this transit with trepidation slaked by joy.
Such a conundrum to fear this unknown thing; and simultaneously be aroused by its potential to brighten the star she orbits with self consuming ferocity
Will the transit be a conjunction? Will 3 stars merge and become one? Will 4? Or will the young star blaze forth, burning anew with an even more furious energy?
Only time will tell.
As a veteran of this type of transit, the sungrazer knows what to expect; there will be forces beyond control
ripping, moulding, re-forming.
could the conjunction change everything forever?
her intuition says yes.
"I bet the star will be captive by the end of this" she muses, imagining rings collaring the primary. And strangely that thought brings happiness because she remembers what it was like to be first bound by more than gravity. It feels like safety to her.
So she feels compersion more; and hopes her intuition is right.
The inexorable pull of gravity continues. and the young star burns brighter every minute it takes until The day
and the sungrazer plummeting onward; her hyperbolic vector whisking her towards dark matter and the next dance with a black hole - not knowing when the path will return her here again
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