Hi. I'm Allie

Hi. I'm Allie.

I've been Allie, a female, for the past 5 or 6 years or so. But I'm also part of someone else - a guy who's been around a lot longer. He's actually pretty nice, but always SO serious these days and he almost never says no, which means that he's let everyone else in his life define who he is and how he should feel about , well pretty much everything.

So how did I come to exist? That's a long story and as near as I can tell I am almost as old as he is. Honestly I don't really know how old I am. We have been in this together for as long as I can remember.

It's only recently that I have come to understand that Transgender is not an absolute but rather a whole spectrum of people and identities. My friends have helped me to understand that we can both coexist in this one body I have; and quite happily I might add. for now I'm OK with that. I am told that this is sometimes called gender fluidity.

I prefer to call it Gender Tourism though, because mostly I get to come out for weekends and vacations. 😊

So that's all for now, this first post of my new blog. I'll write more later (and more often as I figure out this new process)
